
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Problem #19

Problem link
package main

var months []int
var count int

func main() {
months = make([]int, 12)

//calculate first days of the months in 1900
daysInMonths := []int{31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30}
months[0] = 0
for i := range daysInMonths {
months[i+1] = (months[i] + daysInMonths[i]) % 7

count = 0
for year := 1900; year < 2000; year++ {
for i := range months {
if (year%4 == 0 && i <= 1) || ((year+1)%4 == 0 && i > 1) {
months[i] = (months[i] + 366) % 7
} else {
months[i] = (months[i] + 365) % 7
if months[i] == 6 {

Result: 171
Time: 0m0.003s

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